Railroad Work Will Close Portion of I-4 Near Lakeland
LAKELAND | A portion of Interstate 4 in Lakeland will be closed March 29 and 30th from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day...
Shoulder and Lane Closures on I-4 March 14 Thru 23
TAMPA — The Florida Department of Transportation is reporting that drivers should be alert to shoulder closures and the presence of workers on any...
Eastbound I-4 to be Detoured March 16 and 17
TAMPA — The Florida Department of Transportation is reporting that all eastbound I-4 traffic will be detoured off the interstate between 22nd Street (Exit...
Night Lane Closures on I-4 March 14 and March 17 Thru 22
TAMPA — The Florida Department of Transportation is reporting that one lane may be closed on eastbound and westbound I-4 between 22nd Street (Exit...
Shoulder and Lane Closures on I-4/Selmon Expressway Connector February 28 Thru March 1
TAMPA — The Florida Department of Transportation is reporting that drivers should be alert to shoulder closures and the presence of workers on any...